Tech Spec

One of the great features of advertising on this site is that you have vastly more technical freedom to promote your goods and services than you will find anywhere else on the Internet.

You can think of the The rectangle on the homepage as an actual webpage – because that’s exactly what it is!

Your Rich Media goes in this space on the homepage at the times you specify every day for 12 months.

Rich Media options can mean anything from your company logo, still or animated images, slideshows, flash files, links to eCommerce products, video embeds from video sharing websites, a small web page – anything that will go into an html file!

Remember – you are buying the start time for your content: In a 15 second slot you can have a 10 minute video or an interactive flash game that lasts hours

1. Create content yourself or with your creative team
2. Email all the files to us – see technical specifications)
3. We check content is compliant with our Terms & Conditions
4. We upload to the site!
5. To change your content, just email it over again – as often as you need to at no extra charge!

Technical Specification - degrees of complexity

This guide to content increases in complexity the further down you scroll. If you find yourself getting lost, a professional web designer will be able to help you. For content types marked ‘Simple’ you probably don’t require professional help.

In all cases, the maximum window size
is 640pixels wide and 480 pixels high.

Simple Examples

Single Image or logo.
A photo or logo in JPG, GIF, PNG file formats can simply be emailed to us. remember to tell us where you want it to link to.

Single Flash File.
Files of type FLV or SWF. Email the file to us and tell us the web address you want it to link to.

Single Offsite Embed.
Once you have permission to do so (which we will assume you have), embedding an existing file from a video sharing site can be done fairly quickly. Email the link or embed code to us.

Any of the above with text and links underneath.
Bear in mind the amount of room you have and the shape of the space depending on how big your image is. Email the individual parts over and we will put it together for you.

Advanced Examples

Multiple or combination of items in the simple list will require your designer to build a page. They should refer to the specification below about directory structure and email the files to us when ready.

Ecommerce If you want to place a product with a direct 'buy now' button, that's great, but you will need your web designer to build the page and follow the directory structure specification. when ready, email them to us.

Hosted Video Files such as FLV, MP4, MPEG2, h.264 etc. This requires a designer to build your page. There are file size limits here based on the amount of time you have purchased (15MB per slot). directory structure specification also must be adhered to. Ask your designer to contact us to discuss a suitable way of sending the final files.

Slideshow scripts This requires a designer to build your page. There are file size limits here too based on the amount of time you have purchased (15MB per slot). Directory structure specification also must be adhered to. Ask your designer to contact us to discuss a suitable way of sending the final files.

Custom Options

Anything else we would consider custom. Please discuss in advance and provide all the files to us as per the directory structure specification. We will review your files as per our terms and conditions prior to upload to a staging area for review before making live.

Note. Due to server setup we cannot support .asp or .net frameworks.

Directory Structure Specification

1. In all cases where you supply multiple files yourself, your designer must make sure assets run from an index.html file (not index.php/.asp etc)

2. We require all assets supplied under a flat file structure, compressed in a directory called ''.

NB: If you have subdirectories in your .zip folder, your advert will not serve correctly.

File Extensions

Permitted for inclusion in your .zip file

.html .js .png .gif .jpg .jpeg .flv .swf .as .css .txt .json

Excluded from inclusion in your .zip file

.asp .cf .cgi .jsp

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concept and design by onethirdeach.

Site development by Ltd